I am immensely proud to welcome you to Gallions Primary School, an outstanding school in the borough of Newham.
At our school, we have a wonderful staff team who are dedicated to doing the best for every child. Our teachers are experts on how children learn effectively, and our curriculum is designed to enable our pupils to THRIVE.
“All pupils flourish in this nurturing school community.” Ofsted October 2023
We offer an enriched curriculum, in which we go above and beyond the national curriculum expectations in many subjects. All our pupils are taught dance and drama by specialist teacher and pupils from year 2 upwards have a weekly instrumental lesson by a cello, double base or violin teacher.
We want our children to develop a thirst for learning and believe that the varied and exciting opportunities at Gallions will encourage this.
The best way to get to know Gallions is to come and visit us and see first-hand the buzz and excitement which fills every room. I would be delighted to meet prospective parents and show them around the school on our regular tours.
If you would like to book a place on a tour, please contact the school office.
Claire Ormerod
Head Teacher