Home School Partnerships

We are very fortunate to have a supportive and friendly parent body. Our parents recognise that educating children is a process that involves partnership between parents, class teachers and the school community. We welcome and encourage parents/carers to participate fully in the life of our school.

Parent Information

At Gallions we know how important it is to feel ready and prepared for starting school, whether you are starting in the Early Years or have transferred to Gallions from somewhere else. We want children and families to feel as supported and prepared as possible which is why we have put together these useful welcome packs with everything you could need to be ready and raring to go for life at Gallions.

Parent Information Welcome Pack


Parent Survey

Currently, as part of our ongoing school development work we are reviewing our homework policy. As part of the review, we would like to gather the thoughts and opinions of parents. we would be grateful if you could find 5 minutes to answer the following questions on this google form. 

If you would like to know more about homework and it’s impact on pupils progress – there are interesting articles and research that can be read: Education Research and Articles


Parent Workshops

At Gallions Primary, we hold regular parent workshops to keep parents informed and involve parents in our school as much as possible. We always put a copy of the slides onto our website in case parents are unable to attend and would like to view them at a later stage. The presentations are in PDF format so they can be viewed on almost any device. The table below also shares this terms parents workshops. We hope to see you there! All workshops take place on a Friday at 8.45am in our training room.

Spring Term 2024



Parent Workshop 

Wednesday 10th January Year 1 Phonics Fluency Workshop for specific children
Friday 12th  January School Nurse
Friday 26th January MENCAP Workshop/Support Surgery
Friday 2nd February Curriculum focus: Residentials
Thursday 8th February Phonic Screen Check Meeting
Friday 23rd February Questions with the Chair of Governors
Friday 1st March Philosophy For Children
Friday 8th March Maths – Multiplication subject knowledge session for parents
Friday 15th March MENCAP Workshop/Support Surgery
Thursday 21st March Phonic Screen Check Meeting

Autumn Term 2023



Parent Workshop 

Tuesday 12th  & Wednesday 13th September  Meet the Teacher

Year 1, Year 2,Year 3,Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6

Friday 15th September School Priorities 2023-2024
Friday 22nd September  History
Thursday 28th Sept Reception phonics
Friday 29th September Philosophy (P4C)
Friday 6th October Friends of Gallions
Friday 13th October Using Google Classroom
Friday 20th October  Wellbeing – School nurse
Friday 3rd November Opal Play
Friday 10th November EYFS focussed – Communication and Language
Friday 17th November Maths – teaching subtraction
Friday 24th November Chair of Governors
Friday 1st December Parental Support/ Wellbeing Sessions
Friday 8th December EYFS focussed – Maths at home


Parent Code of Conduct


  • Concerned, worried – see us!
  • Problem between children – see us not the child!
  • Speak politely and behave well!
  • Know that we work really hard for your child and we are human too!

Read our full policy by clicking here.

Home School Agreement

Research has consistently shown that active parental interest makes a great deal of difference to how well children do at school. Parents can help more effectively if they know what the school is trying to achieve and what they can do to offer support. Home-school agreements provide a framework for the development of such a partnership. We believe that in order to improve and be the best school we can, it is important that we all work in partnership.

Our home school agreement can be accessed here.

Parental help in School

We are always grateful to those parents who come into school and help. All our teachers are always on the look out for willing volunteers to hear readers!

If you feel that you have a particular talent or area of expertise then we would love to hear from you. Please complete this google form and email the school office to let us know.