Reception Admissions September 2024
Make sure you visit our school tours section to book your date and time to visit us.
Before submitting a reception application we strongly recommend all families read the autumn 2024 edition of the local authority’s “We are going to school” guide and find out information about the school you are interested in.
We are going to school – Autumn 2024
For all children born from 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 inclusive, their parents/carers will need to apply for a reception class place in an infant or primary school for September 2024 entry.
The national closing date for on time reception applications is the 15th January 2024.
The national offer date for on time reception applicants is 16th April 2024.
For children living in Newham families must apply via London Borough of Newham.
For children living outside Newham, whose family wants them to attend this school their application must be made through their home borough naming this school as a preference on their application.
Remember, parents/carers must apply for a reception place in this school, even if the child:
- Attends our nursery
- Has a brother or sister attending this school.
School Finder:
We recommend you use the Newham School Finder tool to determine the location of your preferred Newham schools and calculate home to school distances.
Gallions Nursery School has a 52 place nursery. Children are eligible to be admitted to the nursery once they turn three.
Our nursery runs morning and afternoon 15 hours part time places as well as full time 30 hour places available for for parents who meet the criteria.
To register for a place at Nursery please complete this form:
Once you have completed this form we will be in touch with you to discuss availability and registration.
Order of Admissions
Children are admitted in age order depending on their date of birth. All children who are in the catchment area will be admitted before those outside it unless they already have a sibling at the school. The main admissions point of the year is the Autumn Term. Subsequent spaces may become available if children leave Gallions Nursery.
Children attend Gallions Nursery for up to three terms and will usually start at age three, becoming four by the end of the nursery year (August). Children born in September are admitted first, followed by children with October birthdays and so on.
If all children born from September to August were admitted during the academic year, the next cohort of September birthdays would be contacted and given the opportunity of a longer time in the nursery. Within each birth month children are contacted in order of how long they have been on the waiting list.
The law requires that all schools must have admission arrangements that clearly set out how children will be admitted, including the criteria that will be applied if there are more applications than places at the school. Admission arrangements are determined by admission authorities.
We are an academy which means we are our own admission authority but have adopted the London Borough of Newham’s admission arrangements and processes to ensure continuity across the borough.
The staff, governing body and pupils of Gallions Primary School would welcome you applying for a place at our school. To do this you must follow the correct process for your child’s age as detailed below.
All applications for this school must be made through London Borough of Newham’s Pupil Services, not this school.
If a family arrives in Newham during the school year 2023/2024 and their child needs a school place they must complete an In Year form naming their preferred schools.
School places are usually offered within 10 days. The place offered may not be at the school the family prefers, as that school may not have a suitable place available.
Before submitting an application, we strongly recommend all families read the autumn 2023 edition of the local authorities “Starting Primary School” guide and find out information about the school you are interested in.
School Finder:
We recommend you use the Newham School Finder tool to determine the location of your preferred Newham schools and calculate home to school distances.
Once you have been offered a place at Gallions Primary by Newham Pupils Services, our admission officer will contact you to arrange a visit. Please ensure you complete this form before your visit: mid-year admission
Year 6 Secondary school applications
Before submitting a secondary application we strongly recommend all families read the autumn 2024 edition of the local authority’s “We are going to secondary school” guide and find out information about the school you are interested in.
We are going to secondary school
The national closing date for on time secondary applications is the 31st October 2023.
The national offer date for on time secondary applicants is Friday 1st March 2024.
Determined Admission Arrangements for September 2024 entry
The Governing Body/Trust of your school has formally agreed to adopt the London Borough of Newham’s Admission Arrangements for September 2024 entry.
Open days and Tour of the School
We can’t wait to welcome you to our school!
There are a number of ways that you can visit. Nursery Open Days are perfect for families who are looking for nursery space, for 3 year & 4 years olds. Our Whole School Tours cover everything from Early Years up to Year 6.
Whole School Tours
Is your child due to start Reception in September 2024?
Have you just moved into the area and looking for a school for your child?
Need to know more? Our website contains lots of information about our curriculum, our recent highlights and our latest news.
Plus we’re always tweeting!
Please contact the school office if you would like to take a tour of our school.