Resource Provision

Who are we?

Assistant Head for Inclusion/SENCO – Miss Marie Smith

Contact via the school office 0207 476 1252 or email: or (marked for F.A.O. SENCO)

Ms Dwaneshia Williams – Class Teacher of Rainbow Class
Ms Christine Hunter – Class Teacher of Sunshine Class

ASD Resource Provision

Gallions is an inclusive school and aims for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to be fully welcomed into the mainstream classes, where they enjoy access to the wider curriculum according to their needs and abilities.

Gallions also has a dedicated Resourced Provision. This is a 14 place provision for those children identified by Newham as requiring a higher level of additional support.

Our dedicated RP teachers work closely with parents/carers to support them to manage the difficulties surrounding a person with Autism.

Learning in the Resource Provision

The Resource Provision is split into two groups, sunshine and rainbow, depending on the individual needs of the child. As Gallions is inclusive, we aim, where possible, for children to spend time in their mainstream classroom. The amount of time this includes depends on each individual child’s interests and needs. All children are able to access all external trips and visits and participate in any school and class special events and activities such as World Book Day and school productions.

In the provision the children have access to extra facilities such as a sensory room, which is equipped with a range of resources to stimulate and soothe; our soft play room, which allows for vigorous and yet safe play; a large swing, which provides pleasurable vestibular stimulation; and an outdoor space.

Learning in the Resource Provision is individually planned for each child, aimed to incorporate specific targets that the child might have. The learning is multi sensory and targeted to each child’s likes and interests. All learning has a communication aspect of learning as this is a key area for all children with Autism. Other interventions are also used such as Attention Autism, Intensive Interaction, Core Vocabulary Boards, Social Stories, Lego THerapy and many more.

The provision has a Total Communication approach and the children are given a range of opportunities and methods for communication including, Core Vocabulary Boards, Visual Prompts, singalong, language and visual cues.

We also make use of specialists such as our RP Speech and Language Therapist. Our RP Speech and Language Therapist works with us one morning a week and supports our provision by: making assessments of pupils, providing targets, recommending strategies and resources for children, offering training and supporting parents.

Resource Provision Curriculum

The children follow a semi-formal curriculum that is tailored to the individual needs of the child. Throughout the RP curriculum, pupils are encouraged to:

  • Develop their joint attention and listening for learning
  • Develop language, communication and interaction skills which includes learning and practising fundamentals of communication such as eye contact, waiting, watching, listening and turn taking (through intensive interaction)
  • Develop their emotional regulation
  • Develop life skills which enable them to become as independent as possible
  • Engage in subject specific learning e.g. Maths, English, Science

The Resource Provision has a personalised approach that enables pupils to follow routines and structure, and work with their preferences and learning targets. This helps pupils to manage independent choices.

Resource Provision Assessment

Engagement Steps is our assessment framework for pupils not yet engaged in subject specific learning. This framework allows schools to profile and show progress for pupils with complex needs. The framework feeds into the Progression Steps.

Gallions use a cloud based assessment framework from B Squared. This system allows all teachers to clearly track, monitor and report on pupil progress at all levels of attainment. More information regarding how this assessment data is used can be given from the SEND team.