Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is a funding stream that comes from central government. It is provided for pupils that are eligible for free school meals in any given year. Any spending of the pupil premium is endorsed by the schools governing body. Please click on the documents below for more information. This information will be reviewed and updated annually.

Sports Premium

The school receives a Sports Premium to increase and improve the PE and sporting opportunities for children in Years 1 – 6. The school has received the following Sports Premium over the last 3 years:


The additional provision ensures that our most vulnerable children are well provided for and receive high quality support to help them achieve their personal best. The high standards we see in the pupils’ work and SATs results demonstrates the impact that the funding has on achievement and progress.

Pupils are given the opportunity to experience cultures and historic settings that they would otherwise not normally be exposed to.

It is evident that these children, with the additional support and resources, are becoming more confident individuals who have increased confidence and are more willing to apply themselves during lessons.

Sports and Pupil Premium spending is key to promote well-being and has provided a number of vulnerable children with the opportunity to succeed.