Wheelchair Rugby Visit

All the parents at our school will be aware of the amazing opportunities our pupils get to be a part of thanks to our Extended Schools Manager Ms Bisi. The latest incredible experience was an opportunity to watch the Wheelchair Rugby World Cup at the Copperbox Arena!

A lucky selection of 15 pupils who had earned the coveted Star of the Week award in Year 5 attended with some very excited adults.

Pupils saw Australia defeat Spain 52 -32.

They also saw the beginning of England vs. Ireland which resulted ina  final score of 121-0 to England. 

“At first it was scary because of all the bumping and hitting and hurting each other…but then I got used to it and started to enjoy it. In the second half England were on 68 when Ireland were on 0!”

Thank you to Ms Bisi for making these opportunities possible…the organisation of students, adults, transport, food is appreciated!